
My Name is


I am a Remote Sensing and GIS Enthusiast.


About me

Remote Sensing and GIS Enthusiast

I am enthusiastic about utilizing spatial data to drive impactful decision-making and develop innovative solutions for spatial challenges. With strong critical thinking, analytical, and project management skills, I can swiftly grasp new concepts and deliver significant results. My passion lies in leveraging my knowledge in the geospatial field to drive positive social and environmental impact. I am committed to ensuring that the projects I work on contribute towards making the world a better place.


Proficient in a wide array of geospatial software, including ArcGIS, Q-GIS, and ERDAS IMAGINE, complemented by a strong programming foundation in Python, R, and SQL. Skilled in spatial analysis, data management, and model building, with a keen eye for detail and a collaborative approach to project management. Effective communicator fluent in multiple languages, equipped with essential soft skills for seamless teamwork and impactful presentations.


  • ArcGIS Pro
  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Desktop
  • Web Map
  • Q-GIS
  • SNAP
  • D-Bever
  • Google Earth Pro
  • AutoCAD
  • Postgres
  • Esri Mobile Apps:
    • ArcGIS Field Maps
    • ArcGIS Survey 123


  • Python
  • R
  • SQL
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Postgres
  • GitHub

Geospatial Skills

  • Data capture
  • Map production
  • Spatial Analysis
  • Geoprocessing
  • Data management (Geodatabase design)
  • Spatial query
  • Image processing and analysis
  • Raster Calculations
  • Surveying
  • Model Builder
  • Automating Tasks

Soft Skills

  • Project Management
  • Presentation
  • Teamwork
  • Communication (English, Hindi, Marathi)
  • Time management
  • Driving
  • Microsoft Word and Excel
  • First Aid


Project 1

Delineation of Watershed

Watershed delineation is a fundamental process in the field of hydrology and environmental science. It involves the identification of the boundaries of a watershed, which is an area of land where all the surface water drains into a common outlet, such as a river, stream, or lake. In addition to delineating watershed boundaries, hydrologists often classify the streams within a watershed into different orders based on their size and position within the drainage network

Project 2

Site Suitability for Mulberry Plantation

Site suitability analysis is a crucial step in the successful cultivation of mulberry plants. This analysis integrates key data layers, including soil types, slope characteristics, land use and land cover (LULC) information, and groundwater availability. By combining these datasets in QGIS, we create a comprehensive site suitability map, highlighting the most favorable locations for mulberry cultivation.

Project 3

Satellite Image Classification - Supervised

Image classification is a fundamental technique in remote sensing. One of the primary applications of image classification is to analyze land cover and land use patterns over large areas. We classified a satellite image into five distinct classes: Agriculture, Water, Sand, Built-Up, and Forest. Image classification is a crucial step in the analysis of remote sensing data, enabling the extraction of meaningful information from satellite images

Project 4

Oil Spill Detection

Sentinel-1 is equipped with synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors. These radar images are exceptionally valuable for oil spill detection as they are unaffected by weather conditions, and they can detect oil even in the absence of visible light. Oil spills on water surfaces often cause changes in radar backscatter values in Sentinel-1 imagery. To extract regions with significant changes, a threshold is applied. Pixels with backscatter values above this threshold are considered potential oil spill.

Project 4

Capital Green Space - Commercial Value

Urban greenspaces provide multiple important benefits, including influencing surrounding commercial value. This website provides an overview of research undertaken to investigate the commercial value of greenspaces across the city of Edinburgh. The research involved exploring green spaces impact on property values, population, distribution of shops, and transport routes to assess accessibility, particularly focusing on Princes Street Gardens and Craigmillar Castle Park.

Green Space
Project 6

Interactive Web Map - University of Edinburgh

This project constructs an interactive map of a university campus that includes main buildings, roads, and popular spots. The user interface will allow users to conduct spatial queries, such as finding the nearest places of interest or determining the distance between two points. Not only can this interactive map be used to assist students to familiarize themselves with the university area before attending, but also acts as a guide for the public when visiting the university.

Web Map
Project 7

Story Map - India Unity in Diversity

India's cultural richness and diversity have been profoundly shaped by numerous empires and dynasties throughout its history. Its vast expanse across the Indian subcontinent leads to diverse customs, traditions, and clothing that vary with the region's climate. This rich culture finds expression in India's art, architecture, literature, music, dance, and cuisine. India's multicultural society comprises people of different religions, languages, and backgrounds, making it one of the world's most diverse nations.

Story Map
Project 8

Flood Mapping - Myanmar

The radar data from Sentinel-1 enables the detection and delineation of flood extents by highlighting changes in surface water. By comparing images acquired before and after a flood event, We can identify areas that have been inundated, assisting in the rapid assessment of affected regions. Additionally, the high spatial resolution of Sentinel-1 data allows for the detailed mapping of flood boundaries, aiding in the precision of disaster management and response efforts.

Project 9

Air Quality Mapping - No2 Concentration

This project leverages Google Earth Engine to access Sentinel-5P satellite imagery, focusing on India, and isolates the concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) over a specific time frame. By calculating the mean NO2 column density within a defined area, it effectively demonstrates how environmental monitoring tools can be harnessed for assessing air quality. With a visually compelling map that employs a color palette to represent NO2 concentration levels, this exemplifies a valuable application in tracking and addressing air quality concerns.

GEE code
Project 10

Closest Facility

Project 10

Closest Facility with Barrier

Project 10

Service Area

Project 10

Service Area with Barrier

Network Analysis

Network analysis is a tool for optimizing facility location and resource allocation. Whether with or without barriers, they help streamline decision-making processes, and plan for emergencies, while accounting for the complexities of real-world geography.

Closest Facility: Identifying the nearest facility based on factors like distance or travel time. Commonly used in logistics, emergency response, and location-based services.

Service Area: Service area analysis, helps identify the geographic extent that a service can efficiently cover.

Project 11

Hotspot Analysis

To address socio-economic disparities in Edinburgh, By focusing on the unemployment factor, we can identify geographic areas where joblessness is particularly concentrated, providing essential insights for policymakers and community organizations. Through rigorous spatial analysis, we pinpoint hotspots of unemployment, enabling targeted interventions, workforce development initiatives, and resources to uplift these communities. Features within the hottest spots have the highest positive Z-scores, and within cool spots, the most negative.

Project 6

3D - DEM and Contours

Creating a 3D model using a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and adding contours to it is a powerful technique in geospatial analysis and visualization. This process allows for a detailed representation of terrain and elevation, making it easier to understand and communicate geographical features. You can use this 3D model and the contours for various applications, such as landscape visualization, flood modeling, or urban planning.

Project 13

Animation Map

A 2-D animation map of world shipping routes in 1770 is a remarkable way to visualize historical maritime trade and exploration. This type of project can be valuable for educational, historical, or research purposes. The animated map can help viewers understand the dynamics of global shipping routes during that period, the connections between different regions, and how these routes evolved over time. It's an engaging and informative way to explore the history of global trade and the impact it had on the world.

Project 14

Kernel Density Estimation - Fast Food Outlets

Kernel Density: KDE calculates the density of features in a neighborhood around those features but intelligently analyses the nature of the features included to exclude effects due to outliers and to define a suitable search radius to determine the size of neighborhood used during the process.

Zonal Statistics: Zonal Statistics involves aggregating information from raster datasets within predefined zones, often represented by polygons. Zonal statistics based on the average density of fast food outlets within that zone

Project 15

Geographically Weighted Regression

Modeling the educational attainment within the US state of Georgia. Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR), a local statistical technique, we delve into the intricate spatial variations of model parameters. Recognizing that datasets and relationships between variables evolve across space, GWR allows us to uncover nuanced shifts in regression parameters. By acknowledging the dynamic nature of these processes, we gain a more accurate understanding of the spatial intricacies shaping educational outcomes. This method gives localized insights, into a comprehensive analysis of the determinants of educational attainment in Georgi.

Project 16

Spatial Accessibility to GP

Utilizing the Two-Step Floating Catchment Analysis (2SFCA) for GP services in Glasgow City, this approach seamlessly integrates two catchments, each outlining the accessible healthcare area around individual General Practitioner locations. By overlaying these catchments, the 2SFCA produces a holistic spatial accessibility measure. The 2SFCA provides a nuanced understanding of how residents can access services beyond their immediate neighborhoods, offering insights crucial for healthcare planning and resource allocation.


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GIS Consultant

Land Use Consultants Ltd. Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Feb 2024 - Present

  • Assisted windfarm feasibility and environmental impact assessment, by mapping constraints and conducting spatial analysis to help other teams in decisions making.
  • Conducted landscape character and landscape sensitivity assessment for sustainability appraisals, aiding local councils in informed decision-making.
  • Investigated Grid Connection Route Options for overhead power line, focusing on enhancing operational efficiency while minimizing environmental impact.
  • Conducted biodiversity net gain calculation and habitat mapping for Environmental Impact Assessment, ensuring ecological preservation and sustainable development.
  • Capturing and processing of infrastructure, heritage, and landscape data of local authority to assess wind and solar renewable potential, based upon existing land use constraints.
  • Provided GIS support from project inception, creating web maps for visualizing spatial data for Landscape Planning, Historic, and Ecology teams. Maintained current data records, performed spatial analysis, and developed field maps and Survey 123 for data collection during later stages. Exported figures for reports to meet project requirements.
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Tutor And Demonstrator

The University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Sep 2023 - Jan 2024

  • Lab demonstrator for Python, SQL, Linux environment, Spatial Modelling.
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Geospatial Engineer

Vasundharaa Geo technologies Pvt. Ltd.- Pune, India.

September 2021 - June 2022

  • Performed an impact assessment to analyze the effects of water interventions on soil quality, employing various indices, including NDVI, IPVI, NDWI, and LST using Sentinel-2 and Landsat data. The insights of this analysis contributed to informed decision-making processes.
  • Extracted settlement data and implemented change detection techniques to detect and track illegal construction activities, providing valuable insights into urbanization trends and contributing to improved urban management.
  • Utilized Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data from Sentinel-1 satellite for flood mapping using SNAP, enhancing disaster preparedness and response efforts.
  • Generated Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) maps for change detection and trend analysis, supporting land management initiatives.
  • Conducted site suitability analysis for rice cultivation, optimizing agricultural practices for increased productivity.
  • Successfully managed a project of vector data creation for an entire city, helping the government in efficient urban planning.
  • Produced accurate vector data and estimated temporal changes for private properties, aiding clients in making real estate decisions.
  • Prepared detailed reports, actively engaged in client meetings, and effectively presented results, ensuring clear communication of findings and recommendations.
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Research Intern

North-Eastern Space Application Centre (NESAC-ISRO) - Umiam, India.

July 2021 – Sep 2021

  • Utilized SVM and RF machine learning algorithms to extract water bodies with high accuracy.
  • Delineated drainage network using SRTM DEM, contributing to improved hydrological understanding.
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GIS Analyst

Terra Informatics Services Pvt. Ltd. - Pune, India.

April 2020 – June 2021

  • Collected optical data using drones and DGPS technology and utilized Pix4D software to process UAV data for diverse projects, to deliver precise and high-quality imagery.
  • Demonstrated strong leadership by training interns in AutoCAD, Q-GIS, and the company's design standards, fostering a skilled workforce, and maintaining consistent design practices.
  • Leveraged UAV data to precisely measure cultivated areas, facilitating in-depth agricultural analysis and enhancing decision-making in the agriculture sector.
  • Executed a comprehensive analysis of pipe distribution networks by harnessing drone and DGPS data, optimizing infrastructure management and maintenance strategies.


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MSC Earth Observation and Geoinformation Management

University of Edinburgh

Spetember 2022 - September 2023

  • Mapping Forest Disturbance using Satellite Radar Data.
  • Spatial Modelling and Analysis
  • Technological Infrastructure for GIS
  • Research Practice and Project Planning
  • Advanced Spatial Databases Methods
  • Object-Oriented Software Engineering
  • Visual Analytics
  • Active Remote Sensing: Radar and Lidar
  • Compared commercial values of green spaces in Edinburgh using accessibility analysis.

    Conducted a comprehensive survey to gather essential data and performed an accessibility analysis to explore the interplay between accessibility factors and the economic worth of green spaces.
  • Interactive Web map of the University of Edinburgh.

    Developed an interactive web map of campus facilities and services at the University of Edinburgh using Oracle Spatial, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python techniques.
  • Change detection in Ice Volume.

    Handled a large volume of LVIS data in HDF5 to perform change detection on Pine Island Glacier using Python.
  • Exploring Patterns in Census Data of the City of Edinburgh.

    Utilized Self-Organizing Maps (SOM), an unsupervised machine learning technique, to analyze census data in the city of Edinburgh.
  • Oil spill detection using SNAP

    Detected Oil spills using SAR data to aid in emergency response and effectively direct clean-up measures.
Class Representative:

Social Events - Coordinated social events as the Class Representative.

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MSC Geoinformatics

Savitribai Phule Pune University

Spetember 2022 - September 2023

  • Designing pipe distribution network using UAV and DGPS data.
    • Modules:
    • Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and GIS
    • Digital Image Processing
    • Spatial Analysis
    • Photogrammetry
    • Database Management
      Conference Presentation: - Presented findings on the effective use of UAV and DGPS data in designing a pipe distribution network, at the National Web Conference Institute of Indian Geographers.
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BSC Geography

Sir ParshramBhau College, Pune.

June 2015 - May 2018

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